Upskilling Strategies for Jobseekers in an AI-Driven Job Market

The next revolution is here, and if it hasn’t already, it’s going to blow your mind.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for some time, but in recent months, it’s become widely available to the public and is having a profound impact on personal productivity, streamlining processes and making data-driven decisions.  And it’s not going away anytime soon.

Some of the tools you may or may not be currently aware of and already using in the workplace include:

  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Ever entered a question in a Chatbox on a website? Chances are this was powered by AI to provide customer support, employee onboarding or information retrieval. These tools use natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to understand and respond to user queries and provide real-time assistance.
  • Scheduling and Calendar Management: AI-based scheduling tools are used to schedule meetings by considering participants’ availability, preferences, and other parameters. They reduce the time spent on manual scheduling and minimise conflicts, improving productivity and coordination.
  • Document and Data Analysis: AI tools can analyse large volumes of text, such as contracts, reports, and customer feedback, for automated data extraction, sentiment analysis, and trend identification. These tools save time, improve accuracy, and provide valuable insights for decision-making.
  • Recommendation Systems: AI-powered recommendation systems are commonly used in e-commerce, streaming platforms, and personalized marketing. By analysing user preferences and behaviours, these systems provide tailored recommendations, improving customer experience and driving engagement.
  • Intelligent Process Automation: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses AI and machine learning algorithms to automate repetitive tasks and workflows. It eliminates manual intervention, reduces errors, and improves efficiency in areas such as data entry, invoice processing, and inventory management.
  • Predictive Analytics and Forecasting: AI tools employ advanced analytics techniques to analyse historical data, identify patterns, and make predictions about future outcomes. This helps organisations optimise inventory management, demand forecasting, financial planning, and resource allocation.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Language Translation: NLP tools enable the understanding and processing of human language. They are used for sentiment analysis, text summarisation, language translation, and voice recognition, enhancing communication and enabling multilingual interactions. One of the most widely known apps in this category is ChatGPT.
  • Image and Video Recognition: AI-powered image and video recognition tools can analyse visual content for object identification, facial recognition, and anomaly detection. They find applications in security surveillance, quality control, and content moderation.
  • Employee Performance Monitoring: AI-driven tools can track and analyze employee performance, using data such as task completion rates, quality metrics, and time management. They provide insights for performance evaluations, feedback, and identifying areas for improvement.

It’s a lot, right?

With so many uses and applications, it’s hard not to wonder how it will impact our personal position at work. In fact, the impact of AI on jobs is a topic of debate among experts, and there are varying predictions regarding the number of jobs that AI will take over in the next decade. A recent report from Goldman Sachs estimates around 300 million jobs could be affected by generative AI, meaning 18% of work globally could be automated—with more advanced economies heavily impacted than emerging markets.

On the flip side, however, while AI has the potential to automate certain tasks and job roles, it also creates new opportunities and can enhance productivity and efficiency in various industries. A World Economic Forum report suggests that AI could create around 97 million new jobs worldwide, resulting in a net positive impact on employment. It is crucial to note that the impact of AI on jobs is not uniform across all industries and job roles. Some industries, such as manufacturing and transportation, may experience more significant changes due to automation, while other sectors may see increased demand for AI-related tasks.


Depending on your industry, your level of understanding and usage of AI in the workplace will obviously differ. But nonetheless, it’s essential to have an awareness of how it will shape your industry and begin to develop your skills in this area as it’s not going away any time soon. So to test just how useful it can be, we asked ChatGPT for suggestions on what job seekers should be aware of when it comes to AI and the areas you should be upskilling in to ensure you remain competitive against it! Here’s what it had to say.


When it comes to using AI in the workplace, job seekers can benefit from upskilling in specific areas to enhance their AI-related competencies. Here are some key skills that job seekers should consider developing:

Data Literacy

Understanding data analysis, data interpretation, and data-driven decision-making is crucial. Familiarize yourself with tools and techniques for data management, analysis, and visualization. Knowledge of data privacy and ethical considerations is also important.

Machine Learning

Acquiring knowledge of machine learning concepts and algorithms can be valuable. Understand how machine learning models work, how to train and evaluate them, and how to apply them to real-world problems. Familiarity with popular machine learning frameworks and libraries is beneficial.

Programming and Coding

Proficiency in programming languages, such as Python or R, is highly recommended. Being able to write code, manipulate data, and build AI models will enable you to work effectively with AI technologies and implement AI solutions.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Develop an understanding of NLP techniques that enable machines to understand and process human language. This includes areas like sentiment analysis, text classification, language translation, and chatbot development.

Ethical AI and Responsible AI Practices

AI raises ethical considerations, such as bias, fairness, transparency, and privacy. Job seekers should familiarise themselves with ethical guidelines and responsible AI practices to ensure the ethical use and development of AI systems.

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

AI-related tasks often require problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Enhance your ability to analyse complex problems, break them down into manageable components, and design effective AI-driven solutions.

Continuous Learning and Adaptability

Given the rapid advancements in AI, a mindset of continuous learning is essential. Stay updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and new AI methodologies. Engage in online courses, attend webinars, and join communities to expand your knowledge base.

Business Acumen

Understanding the business implications of AI is valuable. Develop an understanding of how AI can drive value, improve processes, and impact the organisation’s goals and strategies. Connect AI initiatives with business objectives effectively.

Creativity and Innovation

AI can unlock new possibilities and solutions. Foster creativity and innovative thinking to identify opportunities where AI can be applied in unique and valuable ways.


By upskilling in these areas, job seekers can position themselves as AI-ready candidates, demonstrating their ability to leverage AI technologies, contribute to AI-driven projects, and adapt to the changing demands of the workplace.


How do you think it went? We think it did pretty well, technically. From one human to another though, we would also add having an open conversation with various team members from each department and their managers about how you can start using it to improve processes across the organisation, particularly if it helps drive flexibility. You’ll be well-positioned to show off your critical thinking skills and be seen as a forward-thinker and problem-solver.

There’s no doubt AI is reshaping the job market, creating both challenges and opportunities for job seekers. It is also extremely complex and depends on various factors such as technological advancements, workforce readiness, and policy decisions. But as suggested by ChatGPT, by understanding AI’s impact on job roles and industries, cultivating AI awareness and placing importance on continuous learning, adaptability, and a proactive approach to skill development, there is still plenty of opportunity for us mere mortals to stay relevant in the changing job market as there is one thing computers can’t do, and that’s being a good human.