Understanding your rights as a working parent and where to find legal help

At Working Parents Connect our team work closely with parents to support them through their career journey. We’re frequently asked questions from parents relating to their rights at work which may relate to their experiences of unfair treatment, workplace discrimination, redundancy and uncertainty regarding parental leave entitlements.

The Fair Work Commission is always a good starting point and valuable source of legal information (explained in easy to understand language). The Workplace Advice Service is facilitated by Fair Work and offers a free legal assistance program relating to unfair dismissal, general protections and workplace bullying. It is worth also noting that you can often seek free legal advice through your local community legal centre and you can search available services in your area here.

Our Support Services advertiser Resolution 123 have also written the following blogs which are incredibly insightful and informative, and well worth a read should you be interested in understanding your employment rights further.

What is unfair dismissal?

Redundancy and redeployment

Knowing your rights on parental leave

Burnout and Employment Law: Your rights and options for managing stress

Flexing your rights: when can an employer refuse a flexible working request

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash